3. Day 3 Q&A#
3.1. if confused on something that u did and didnt post in the chat room how do i study that part while studying#
On this website, I’m posting my notebooks that I make in class.
I would recommend going throgh the prismia fully and reviewing all the code sent playing around with all of the functions we have used in jupyter hub
3.1.1. i thought variables start with “var” is that a different language#
Declairing variables are typically different in each language . In python you declare a variable by doing
variable_name = value
, for example : x = 5
. in c++ and java you have to specify the type of the variable
by doing int x = 5;
. typically var
is used in javascript, which you will see later in CSC106 .
3.2. I am still a little confused on writing the groupby code, like I am able to explain the chart but not sure how the actual code works”#
GroupBy allows us to group the data based on different features to get a more accurate idea about your data ( ex: race ) a groupby would put all the like data together in a group. you can also group by multiple things . The groupby() is a feature of the pandas library.
3.3. is there like a tool that could help us finish codes if we forget?#
There are certain ides(integrated development environment) like vs code that have features that catch your mistakes and recommend answers for you . But in general when you forget to do something google is your best freind . you can always search through stack overflow ,youtube and other sites to find the answer your looking for expecially if its only synthax (how to write it) and not logic . But its important to remember that these tools are just meant to help you get started with your programs not write it all for you .
3.4. how do you make a pie graph?#
: pie plot ; however a pie chart requires either y column or ‘subplots=True’
3.5. What does the .T
‟I dont get how “race_score_recid.T.plot(kind=’bar’)” graph is like completely different than “race_score_recid.plot(kind=’bar’)””
The .T
transposes the DataFrame
, which you can think of swapping the rows for the columns, so the graph will swap what the vertical and horizontal axes are