1. Q&A day 1#
1.1. Are there any internship at companies that could lead you to a future job there?#
Answer: Yes, most of the time when you get an intership at a company, and you do great and they like you they could offer you a fulltime position.
1.2. CS bs & DS bs Double Major doable?#
1.3. What are the networking opportunities?#
Answer: - There are career fairs atleast 2 times a semester, and the university will send you emails about them so look out for that - There are organizations on campus for example The National Society Of Black Engineers(NSBE) - Try to also network with your Professors.
1.4. Is there a cybersecurity minor?#
Answer: Yes, you can ask your advisor for more information on that minor, what you have to do, the workload and how it may or may not affect your graduation year.
1.5. What’s your favorite CSC class you’ve taken?#
Answer: For me personally I would say CSC 211, because I personally think I learned the most and I felt the most like a actual programmer in that class.
1.6. How many languages will we learn?#
Answer: 4 or 5 depending on what classes you take. They are HTML, CSS, Python, C++ and they maybe Rust and Java depending on the classes you take and what the professor decides to choose.
1.7. Why do they call “Python” “Python”??? Snake?#
Answer: The person that first started implementing python Van Rossum based the programming language name off a 1970s comedy series called Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
1.8. What’s the best way to get prepared when starting off this Fall?#
1.9. Any programming languages I should start to learn? Concepts to familiarize myself with? Etc.#
Answer: Honestly, depending on what class you are taking you can watch youtube videos about the basics of python if you are taking CSC 110. And if you are taking CSC 106 you can watch khan academy videos about the basics of javascript.
1.10. ‟What’s the best route to take while choosing courses for a smooth experience? Particularly for DS/CS”#
Answer: There is a path already set for you to follow normally to graduate on time, if you talk to your academic adviors they will walk you through what you need to do and what path will be the smoothest. Try to make sure you take more than 12 credits a semester so you can graduate on time.
1.11. ‟when do we take the 212 class is it junior or sophomore year”#
Answer: - If you are taking CSC 110 in fall, then you will be taking CSC 211 in spring and CSC 212 will be in fall of your sophormore year - If you are taking CSC 106 in fall, then you will be taking CSC 110 in spring, CSC 211 in fall of your sophormore year and CSC 212 in spring of your sophormore year.
1.12. ‟what’s the hardest part abt learning this major freshman year and how hard is calculus compared to geometry algebra 2 etc ”#
Answer: Honestly the hardest part about freshman year is time management and making yourself do the work, because the classes for CS is relatively easy your first year.
1.13. ‟what is the hardest coding language, that we are going to learn”#
Answer: The hardest language honestly depends on you, because everyone’s brain works different and you might pick up some languages easily while struggling a bit for others.
1.14. ‟In what jobs would a BS degree be better than a BA”#
Answer: Most companies and employers view the degrees as the same, but people that want to focus more in backend development BS might be better, while BA could be a little better for people that want to focus on frontend. But you could do either front or backend with BA or BS.
1.15. Would it be to hard to double major in computer science and computer engineer?#
Answer: It might be, but also these are fairly similar. A minor in CS with a major in CompE would be more do-able.
1.16. Could you ever get a job at an elite company like google or Microsoft straight out of college#
Answer: Yes, I know people that actually have gotten a job at Microsoft straight out of college. If you get an internship with one of those companies, your chance of getting a job with them is increased.
1.17. What are cool places you can study abroad for computer science?#
Answer: Ask your advisor about IEP(International engineering program)
1.18. Could you get a computer science b.s degree if your bad at math or you suggest doing b.a?#
1.19. How long did it take you to get your PHD?#
1.20. Could ai ever take over computer science jobs in the near future?#
1.21. How are final exams structured for computer science?#
1.22. Why would people choose to have a BA Computer Science degree over BS?#
1.23. How many students get jobs right after getting their CS degree?#
1.24. Do you get into a higher course as time moves on? like csc106 to csc110?#
Answer: Yes, your first course for this fall should be CSC106 or CSC110. Then if you pass those classes and Math 180 you get to move on to CSC 211.
1.25. How much of all these codes that we learned about does the average person memorize?#
Answer: As you work through computer science you brain remembers a lot of the code, but if you do not there are documentation out there that can tell you about the code and what they do.
1.26. What are we making with this code?#
1.27. What is the purpose of python#
1.28. How can you code more efficiently?#
1.29. Is there a lot of occasions in coding where you have to write in the () for example earlier in the bar graph (kind = ‘bar’)?#