4. Git, GitHub, and a Jupyter Book#

4.1. What we’re going to do#

Today, we’re going to focus on an important tool in programming, git, and we’ll use it via GitHub.

4.2. What is GitHub?#

Let’s learn from the source: about

4.3. What is git?#

git is:

  • free

  • open source

  • distributed version control system

  • designed to be fast

  • flexible and can be used many ways

  • not tied only to github!

4.4. Distributed Version Control#

4.4.1. Version Control#

  • ~like history on a google doc

  • keeps “versions” at points in time you get to pick

  • lets you make test changes without breaking your main copy

4.4.2. Distributed#

  • good for collaboration

  • everyone gets their own copy

  • programatic tools and social conventions to help you not mess it up

4.5. Sharing your notebooks#

We will make a repository for your notebooks that allows them to become a portfolio.


If you are making up class, see prismia for the links

4.6. Examining the repo#

  • YAML files contain settings for various tools. ours have extenstion .yml and are used to tell GitHub how to turn this repo into a website. One is written for GitHub specifically and the other is for a program called jupyter book that can convert markdown and notebooks to HTML and provide helpful CSS for them.

  • README.md is a special markdown file for GitHub

  • index.md is the first content file for your project

  • .gitignore is a list of files and type of files that the git program should not track changes in

4.7. Making an issue.#

Make the title: Portfolio Start

put this in the body

## By noon on Friday: 
- [ ] upload each notebook file
- [ ] edit the intro
- [ ] turn on "pages" to deploy from branch

## When you want
- [ ] clean up your notebooks by adding more text
- [ ] *optionally* [transfer ownership](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/transferring-a-repository) of the repo to yourself and keep adding to it

GitHub issues use a special flavor of markdown, the [ ] is not supported the same way everywhere, for example in prismia, that is how I make multiple choice questions for you.

this markdown cheatsheet is a good reference while you get used to it.

4.8. Make your site your own#

Edit the top of the _config.yml file to have your own information in it

Set your site to serve from the gh-pages branch

4.9. Adding Notebooks#

  1. On JupyterHub, download one of your notebooks

  2. Upload it to GitHub

4.10. GitHub Codespaces#

Enter the Codespace