6. Add Pictures to your site#

  1. Complete your Web Critic Worksheet and Submit

  2. Pull your updates from GitHub into your Codespace (on the git tab in Codespace, under the 3 dots menu)

  3. Run your site (nox -s docs-live) in the terminal on CodeSpaces

  4. Add a new file called pechakucha.md and add a title (markdown H1) to it

  5. use the markdown cheatsheet to add images to your pechakucha.md

  6. In index.md uncomment lines about the menu

  7. Commit and sync your changes on GitHub so that they go through to your rendered website.

6.1. Index.md example#

Find the part that looks like

<!-- ```{toctree}
:maxdepth: 2

``` -->

and remove the comments (remember ctrl/cmd + / toggles comments in any language) so it looks like:

:maxdepth: 2
