7. Design Theory Practice#

you can work in GitHub.com for today’s activity


Work in your profile-website repository

  1. Update your README using the Template below. Make a new branch called design and open a Pull Request. Title your PR Design Theory

  2. Create an “Add Initial Content” issue on your profile-website repo. Include a checklist of content that you will want to add.

  3. Create a “New features” issue on your profile website repo. Include a checklist of what features you want your site to have.

  4. Draw a site map for how your site will be organized and add it to your content issue as a comment. You can use a drawing tool, for example draw.io and upload it; use GitHub’s native support for mermaid diagrams; or draw on paper or the whiteboard and upload a photo.

  5. Draw a wireframe for your website and add it to your feature issue. use the above for how to draw

  6. Add a ## Design section to your README on your design branch. Describe how you will get your message across using design. Your description should include details on how you will use visual hierarchy, grouping and similarity.

  7. Add an ## Accessibility section to your README on your design branch. Describe how your site will be accessible to users with different impairments? What web accessibility testing will you run to ensure this?

  8. When you are done, request a review from Professor Armenti on your Pull Request and assign your two issues to Professor Brown.

Challenge Question

How did I make the pages on this site numbered in the left side menu? Can you add that to your ds-portfolio repo?

7.1. README Template#

# Profile Website

Welcome to my profile webiste, 
<!-- enter your target audience after the comma above -->

Since you're here, you might be: 
<!-- make a bulleted list of 3 fictional visitors to your site. Include a few detials about them that could impact how you design for them. For each visitor, assign a task or goal they have for visiting your profile website -->

7.2. Photo adding tips#

  • upload to Dropbox or Google Docs to get it to your computer

  • Log into GitHub on your phone and comment on the issue from there