With a partner or in a group of 3, compare your notes, and fill in your notes with anything that you learn from your group. Focus on the following questions
remember, in CSC 106 quizzes are in class, proctored, no resources except your own notes
Work in your group to make sure you can all answer the following questions and agree on the answers. Once you have your answer, click on the question to see the answer.
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. The HTML standard, or the rules for how it works is maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium.
HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically. Its primary purpose is to allow the structuring of documents (such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images, and other elements) and to ensure that the content is properly interpreted by web browsers.
Today we learned various tags such as:
to h6
for headingsp
for paragraphsa
for linksbr
for line breaks img
for imagesul
and li
for unordered listsol
and li
for ordered listsA tag in HTML consists of:
Codepen is a tool that lets you practice writing code all in one page.
I made a template pen if you want to get practice by adding your own tags
to an example web page. You do not need to make an account to do the activity, but if you do make an account you can save your progress and have this
for future reference.
For these exercises, do not use any resources outside of this site, codepen, and your browser inspect tool (found by right clicking).
That means the URL of your browser should always start with https://csctd.github.io/2024/
or codepen.io
during this exercise.
tag do?The blockquote
tag is used to indicate a block of quoted text from another source within a document. It typically indents the quoted text and may display it in italics depending on the browser's default styling.
tag do?The code
tag is used to define a piece of computer code. It is typically displayed in a monospace font
and may preserve whitespace and line breaks. This tag is used to represent code snippets within the text, like the word code above
The tag that puts text in the browser tab is the `title` tag. It is placed within the `head` section of an HTML document, specifically between the opening `head` and closing `head` tags.
In HTML, comments are used to add notes or annotations for developers and do not display in the browser. The syntax for a comment in HTML is:
The comment starts with `!-- and ends with --`. Anything between these markers is considered a comment and is ignored by the browser when rendering the webpage.